
Skripsi teknik informatika berbasis web
Skripsi teknik informatika berbasis web

skripsi teknik informatika berbasis web skripsi teknik informatika berbasis web skripsi teknik informatika berbasis web

May Apriana Saragih, "Implementasi Algoritma Brute Force Dalam Pencocokan Teks Font Italic Untuk Kata Berbahasa Inggris Pada Dokumen Microsoft Office Word," Pelita Informatika Budi Darma, vol. Shinta Tomuka, "Penerapan Prinsip-Prinsip Good Governance Dalam Pelayanan Publik Di Kecamatan Girian Kota Bitung (Studi Tentang Pelayanan Akte Jual Beli)," Jurnal Politico, 2013.

skripsi teknik informatika berbasis web

By utilizing the Fuzzy String Matching algorithm in the thesis search application on informatics engineering, it is expected to be able to search quickly and efficiently. Search for the same string and also the string that approaches the other strings collected in a container or dictionary. Fuzzy String Matching Algorithm is one of the string search methods that uses the approach process to the pattern of the string being searched for. In this study, we will build a repository application for an Android-based thesis search that is built by applying the Fuzzy String Matching algorithm. Android is one of the operating systems for mobile phones among the development of other mobile operating systems such as Windows Mobile, Symbian, Blackberry OS and others. Mobile phones are not only used to call and send messages, but cellphones also have various other functions such as internet access, audio and video player media, and so on. From these problems it is necessary to make innovations by utilizing information technology. The problem that is often faced by students is that the thesis search process needed as reference material takes a long time. The more years the number of thesis increases so that it requires a storage space the wider. This description can usually be used as a reference material for students in preparing the final assignment. In addition to storing books, the library also stores final assignment documents or thesis of students who have graduated from the college. The library is the center of the gathering of various information and knowledge both in the form of books and other recording materials to meet the needs of the learning process.

Skripsi teknik informatika berbasis web